Well I need to tell every one that having MS. is not the end of the world. I think most people who has has known for a long time that there is SOMETHING WRONG and I was so happy to figure it out.
I have to say Cleveland Clinic is the best hospital. They have one whole building that is called the Melen Center. They do research there and they are so nice and so smart. The local doctors do there best but until they figure out what is going on with you PLEASE go to the clinic first. Other doctors see say several hundred patients. The clinic has seen I don't know probably thousands so it makes since they know more. The also get new meds. first like the Bestrewn was an orphan drug, I hope I am saying that right. That means until it has been on the market for a long time they put your name in a lottery and I guess they drew names to see who got to take the drug. But because I was already going to Cleve I got the medicine right away. And that is very important because when you have a new symptom I can't stress enough to get it treated right away. It could mean the difference between walking and crawling or seeing and only seeing lights and Dark's believe me I have seen it happen. Oh yes do go to the eye doctor the are the first to find MS. sometimes. The eye doctor I went to I kept telling her I was seeing a dirty spot like when I would go shopping for clothes the white ones would have a round dirty spot on them. Know wait a minute I told my self all these clothes can't have a the same dirty spot on them. The doctor told me I was describing a floater but she could not find it. Well one of the many test they gave me at the Cleve Clinic was I think it was called an Evoke eye test. You look in the head monitor at a white screen and there are dots and when every tine you see a little white star you push a hand button. Then at the end it shows you all these little dots on a paper well on the paper there are blank plane areas where there is nothing. Well there were stars in those areas but I could not see them. That means that the nerve in the back of your head could not see the light. Well that was my dirty spot I was seeing That was my Ms. You would think a regular eye doctor would know that but they did not. THAT IS WHY YOU GO TO CLEVE CLINIC. But allot of MS. is found in the eyes first. I do know one person who was having trouble seeing was getting blinder more and more. Finally went to Cleveland and yes she had Ms.
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